The Sceptre Charitable Foundation is an unincorporated organisation responsible for the administration and grant-making advice to certain charitable entities. No funds of the charities are used to meet administration expenditure of the Foundation and these are privately paid for by Sceptre Investment Management Ltd. (

This arrangement ensures the whole of the funds available in the various charitable trusts are used for the charitable objects intended and avoids unnecessary overhead for the charities. No fundraising costs are incurred and no external grant-making advice is sought from outside the organisation.

Some of the recent grants of the Trusts have facilitated the building of schools and learning centres in Nepal, Burma and Cambodia as well as grants to existing UK education institutions including scientific prize funds. The Foundation also makes grants for the repair of ancient buildings and funds food banks across the UK.

The Foundation is active in looking for opportunities to ensure education for the poorest and most needy, universal free access to healthcare and justice. Primarily it seeks technology for creating clean, low cost abundance of energy for all, particularly with a view to reversing climate change.

Secretary of the Foundation
June 2021

"Life is not a rehearsal"

(C) Copyright
Sceptre Charitable Trust